Viel del Pan trail

An altitude path in front of the Marmolada

During the super excursion on the Marmolada of 11/03/2017, I noticed the splendid path that was seen by the Queen. A fantastic path at high altitude: the Viel del Pan!




11.10 KM

Hike type



378 mt

I was already looking forward to the fantastic view of the Marmolada and my expectations have been amply rewarded !! Departure from Fedaia, arrival at the Viel del Pan hut (closed) and then at the Fredarola hut. I thought of going back to the ridges, but the snow did not allow me.

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Tourist - Itinerary on narrow streets, mule tracks or wide paths. The routes are generally not long, do not present any orientation problems and do not require specific training if not the typical one of the walk.
